Monday, September 20, 2010

Living Afghan War Vet to Receive Medal of Honor

Staff Sgt. Salvatore Guinta saves a fellow comrade from being kidnapped. In the heat of battle, while in Afghanistan, Staff Sgt Guinta rushes in under heavy fire from Taliban members to discover his fallen comrade was being dragged off by the enemy. He immedialtely took action and fired killing one of two Taliban members. Staff Sgt Guinta forced the other Taliban member to drop his comrade and run for cover. Then he started medical aid to his comrade Staff Sgt Brennan.

My opinion is that Staff Sgt Guinta is a very deserving hero. He risked his own life to save a buddy in need. With no thought for his own life he rushed right into live fire from the enemy. Not only was he able to get that soilder home, his actions helped to save the other members of the platoon. Even though Staff Sgt Brennan didn't live he was able to come home and be remebered by his family thanks to Staff Sgt Guinta.

Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta

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