Monday, September 13, 2010

Jets under investigation;_ylu=X3oDMTNqNzJqbWp0BGEDMTAwOTEzIHNwb3J0cyBuZmwgZmVtYWxlIHJlcG9ydGVyIHQEY3BvcwMxBGcDaWQtMzk3OTEEaW50bAN1cwRwa2d2AzE1BHBvcwMzBHNlYwN0ZC1mZWF0BHNsawNtb3JlBHNscG9zA0YEdGVzdAM3MDE-/SIG=14bqj4utg/EXP=1284512920/**http%3A//

As the season opener draws near for the New York Jets, they have more than football to deal with. A Hispanic female newswriter was supposedly harrassed as she did interviews at their facility. According tor reports, the players and some coaches even threw footballs at her and called her names. They also made some very dirty comments toward her being a lady. The team is being investigated for all of this.
My opinion is that in practice situations there shouldn't be women reporters allowed on the filed. I think they can cause a distraction, and it is hard enough to concentrate. They sure shouldn't be allowed in the locker room. But I will say that even though there shouldn't be women at practice, the players and especially the coaches should be professional. I think that the players that did this are thugs.

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