Monday, September 6, 2010

Arizona citizenship bill targets children

This article, written by Ruben Navarrette Jr., was written about how babies how who are born in the U.S. from illegal immigrants will have denial of their U. S. birth certificates.  Some parents are coming to the U. S. just to have the children here, so the children will be granted citizenship. Those babies are called Anchor Babies. The term Anchor Babies refers to chilren born here, with the intent to increase the chances of thier parents staying in the U.S., even if mommy and daddy are in the country illegally.  In my opinion, I think Arizona is on the right track.  If the government approves the baby then they can't just separate the parents and kid. So if they deny the birth certificates of these Ancor Babies, maybe less people would attempt this.  I really think that would be a smart move on Arizona's part. So even though its a little wierd I will have to agree with the pass of this bill.

1 comment:

  1. Great job on this. This is a difficult situation and one that does not have an easy solution.

    Last week several of your classmates did their post about a young Mexican girl who wanted to stay in Mexico. It would be interesting to see how many of these anchor babies wish to return to their home country when old enough.
