Monday, September 27, 2010

Title: Current Event Week 6 Title of article: Shin Ji-yai wins seasons first LPGA in Evian Masters

South Koreas Shin Ji-yai wins the first LPGA Evian Masters trophy of 2010. She outscored and outpaced her three top rivelries in the game by one shot!In the fourth round another player, Evian-les-Bains had the lead until Shin Ji-yai hit 5 under to take the lead. But it was her last and fifth birdie that put her in a one stroke lead over Pressel, Alexis Thompson and Choi Na-yeon.
I think that is a show of not only skill but determination on Shin Ji-yia part. Golf is a dificult game and this trophy will show her effort throughout the game.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Living Afghan War Vet to Receive Medal of Honor

Staff Sgt. Salvatore Guinta saves a fellow comrade from being kidnapped. In the heat of battle, while in Afghanistan, Staff Sgt Guinta rushes in under heavy fire from Taliban members to discover his fallen comrade was being dragged off by the enemy. He immedialtely took action and fired killing one of two Taliban members. Staff Sgt Guinta forced the other Taliban member to drop his comrade and run for cover. Then he started medical aid to his comrade Staff Sgt Brennan.

My opinion is that Staff Sgt Guinta is a very deserving hero. He risked his own life to save a buddy in need. With no thought for his own life he rushed right into live fire from the enemy. Not only was he able to get that soilder home, his actions helped to save the other members of the platoon. Even though Staff Sgt Brennan didn't live he was able to come home and be remebered by his family thanks to Staff Sgt Guinta.

Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta

Monday, September 13, 2010

Jets under investigation;_ylu=X3oDMTNqNzJqbWp0BGEDMTAwOTEzIHNwb3J0cyBuZmwgZmVtYWxlIHJlcG9ydGVyIHQEY3BvcwMxBGcDaWQtMzk3OTEEaW50bAN1cwRwa2d2AzE1BHBvcwMzBHNlYwN0ZC1mZWF0BHNsawNtb3JlBHNscG9zA0YEdGVzdAM3MDE-/SIG=14bqj4utg/EXP=1284512920/**http%3A//

As the season opener draws near for the New York Jets, they have more than football to deal with. A Hispanic female newswriter was supposedly harrassed as she did interviews at their facility. According tor reports, the players and some coaches even threw footballs at her and called her names. They also made some very dirty comments toward her being a lady. The team is being investigated for all of this.
My opinion is that in practice situations there shouldn't be women reporters allowed on the filed. I think they can cause a distraction, and it is hard enough to concentrate. They sure shouldn't be allowed in the locker room. But I will say that even though there shouldn't be women at practice, the players and especially the coaches should be professional. I think that the players that did this are thugs.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Uruguayan Armed Forces train with reservists

According to Air Force website, "Ten members of the Uruguayan armed forces visited Air Force Reserve Command's 920th Rescue Wing here Aug. 29 through Sept. 2 to get hands-on rescue orientation and training." The soldiers are being trained for search and rescue missions, because of the conflict there. They will be trained in the techniques that our own Air Force uses. The whole training started in Florida, and now the trainees have jumped from C-130's. Right now the reserve soldiers are still there training new people.
I chose this article because I have an interest in the military. Since they came to us it is nice that we helped them, and it is good deed to show our military knowledge to other places in the world. It is good for relations between our two countries. Some our soldiers will get to travel to Uruguay after this training. I am impressed they chose our military instead of anywhere else.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Arizona citizenship bill targets children

This article, written by Ruben Navarrette Jr., was written about how babies how who are born in the U.S. from illegal immigrants will have denial of their U. S. birth certificates.  Some parents are coming to the U. S. just to have the children here, so the children will be granted citizenship. Those babies are called Anchor Babies. The term Anchor Babies refers to chilren born here, with the intent to increase the chances of thier parents staying in the U.S., even if mommy and daddy are in the country illegally.  In my opinion, I think Arizona is on the right track.  If the government approves the baby then they can't just separate the parents and kid. So if they deny the birth certificates of these Ancor Babies, maybe less people would attempt this.  I really think that would be a smart move on Arizona's part. So even though its a little wierd I will have to agree with the pass of this bill.