Tuesday, March 22, 2011

BP1 QTR4: Womens Sufrage

       Speechless. After watching the movie "Iron Jawed Angels" that is what I can say about womens suffrage. What these men do to these women was even beyond my most horrific dreams.These women should be respect strongly for thier actions. Those men at the time were unable to see they damage they appled into all the lives of the women at this time. This is why I stand with want these women did and against the mens reaction to it as well.
       In the cartoon shown on the website link, this is describing the wife going to vote whole the man has to stay home and take care of the house it use to vise versa. Alice paul would have smiled and laughed solely at the man because of what she went through to get the right for women to vote. She would have been extremly happy for all women. If she would to see that cartoon in a weekly newspaper Alice would would feel relief that she finnaly deafeted everyone against her campaign for womens rights. Also it would be a good motive booster for women across the the U.S.
       In conclusion Alice Paul and her partners were literaly Iron jawed. They withstud everthing thrown at them and prevailed with scars but with victory at thier sid. This also changed mens respect for women back then greatly. Watching this movie was extrodinary and learning about these women was intresting. I'm exited to know about the sacrifice from the "Iron Lawed Angels."

1 comment:

  1. As usual, you really and truly are able to express yourself in writing. In fact, if I had one complaint about this it would have to be that you didn't proofread. PLEASE make sure that you go back and do that. You have quite a bit to say and your feeling pour out, but the spelling and grammar errors are distracting.
