Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Q's on project

1. What is your final project going to be? What led you to choose this idea for your project?
My partner and I are undecided on our final project. We have thoughts that we might just type a paper. But we are extremly focused on our first projesct and using every seconed of class work time. So we really havent even brainstormed ideas for the next paroject.

2.How is the project unfolding for you?
We are doing good because our heads are buzzing with ideas about what we can do for our imovie.Right now we are in the gathering information process, but we are making tons of progress every day. We are utilizing every second we can to work. since imovie 11 can now be accesed by use we are making our project extremly creative.

3. How are you gathering the required information?
We've found alot of online resources that give us the excact information we need. Also, we are using knowledge gained before from lectures and short videos. Such as brain pop and Huber pop, but the google is our main website along with wikipedia as well.

4. What's happening that you didn't expect? In other words, how has your project changed over time?
We actually starting writing a paper first, but we couldn't gather enough knowledge and creativity to make the writing piece a success. So we have decided to make a movie and utilize our computer more. We are extremely far ahead of what we would be if we were just writing a paper.

1 comment:

  1. I just want to restate that your movie is one of the best that I've seen in all of the classes doing this project. You've managed to tie in all of what we've been learning about the economy all year long.
