Monday, November 29, 2010

Current Event QTR 2 Week 7:Marine I Know hit by IED

Now you might not here about this one in the news, so I'm your first acess. This Friday, yes the Friday after Thanksgiving disaster struck. Four marines serving over in Afghanistan got hit by a road bomb while driving in a Hum-V. Three of those for died from the first impact of the IED, the other lived but but is badly injured. He lost both his legs but he is fine and well in the hospital now. His name is Justin Della Betta I know him because hes one of my good friends brother. Also my former football coache's son. It was horrible new that struck my heart and put a tear in my eye. My friend and coach are doing well because the came in second place for a big tackle football tournement and they got to keep the trophy the won too. So please go home tonight and pray for Justin's recovery his family and also those three fallen marines and thier familys. I beat Justin is praying for someone else in the world right now not himself,and thats how marines live and I thank Justin Della Beatta for his service.

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