This article says that the NBA or National Basketball Association banned t
their first piar of shoes in its 64-year history. This is because they give you a advantage of vertical leap. So this was found unfair to NBA officials and they banned these 300 dollar shoes from the players of the NBA.The shoes are caled Athletic Propulsion Labs' Concept 1. No palyer will be able to wear these shoes for the up coming2010-2011 season. I think this is fine because NBA players have a numerous amount of shoes to pick from. and besides the last thing we need is players beiing called cheaters by the opposing team after winning a game. I bet the players don't even care about the shoes and like the ones they own already.I bet some players did'nt here about the shoes until they were banned. SORRY ABOUT THE "T" AT THE BEGINNING I COULDNT FiGUR OUT HOW TO FI IT
It is really interesting how the shoes can be banned from being used. I wonder if they actually give that much of an advantage or if this was all to gain more publicity for the product.