Monday, April 4, 2011

BP1 QTR4: United Nations

       The UN stands for United Nation. The UN took the place of the League of Nations after World War II. This was because the League of Nations had no military support behind their decisions to defeat countries that fight against them. This was one reason the UN was created. The main reason the UN was created was to bring the nations of the world to enforce peace throughout the world. Countries have to be voted into the UN by two thirds vote confirming the country is eligible for the UN. The UN also has a secretary general. These leaders each serve a five year term. They can also be voted back in again by the UN after there first term. The current secretary general is Bon Ki-moon.
       The UN is extremely important to our current world today without it the world would be in complete distress. This is why the UN took place of the league of nations after WWII. Countries all over the world would be free to do whatever they want to do. Smuggling drugs, crossing borders illegally, and even beginning wars would come without punishment to these acts. This is one reason the UN is important to our world today. Another reason is because every country follows the charter, which is a set of rules made by the UN. Also there are one-hundred ninety two countries part of the UN.
       Since WWII, the United Nations have been attempting to keep the world peaceful. Even in the world today, we still find importance from the UN. So as you can see, without the UN the world would be in distress, disorder, and we could have started a WWIII.

1 comment:

  1. As always you prove that you do more than just satisfy the requirements of this assignment. Your research and insight will truly help you with this simulation. It's great that you do think that the UN is necessary since you will be taking part in this simulation. Can't wait to see your next posts on your country!
