Monday, November 15, 2010

Current Event Qtr 2 Week 5: Report Out on Deadly Black Hawk Crash
              Wiesbaden, Germany -- Investigators were unable to determine the cause of the Feb. 3 Army helicopter crash near Mannheim, Germany, but revealed several miscues made by the unit and the flight crew before takeoff. The flight left Stuttgart Army Airfield and crashed during its final approach to Coleman Army Airfield into a forested area with pine and oak trees averaging more than 100 feet tall. That was there final destination of there routine flight but they were not properly authorized for this flight. The helicopter hit the trees at more than 160 miles per hour. This is a deadly crash that killed three U.S. soldiers at they impact of the crash.According to the 15-6, the crew did not receive proper authorization for the flight, flew with an expired weather brief, and loaded the aircraft with more fuel than was authorized. The report said the degree of destruction to the aircraft and its components, along with not having a flight data recorder or cockpit voice recorder on board, prevented investigators from determining the cause of the crash. I think that is is the crews fault for not following orders but it is sad that they lost there lives because of it. This is some crazy equipment and it can be very dangerous to use sometimes. So there are  precautions and procedures to use it. And it is a shame that those U.S. soldiers died but it would not have happened if they just followed orders like they were trained to do.Soldiers search the site where a U.S. Army Black Hawk helicopter crashed in February. Photo by Michael Abrams/Stars and Stripes

1 comment:

  1. This is truly a lesson in how we should always be mindful in whatever we do. It is sad, in this case, that these soldiers paid for the mistake with their lives.
