Wednesday, April 20, 2011

BP4 QTR4:Research and Interpretation-Geography

Location: Coordinates are 23.00 North and 102.00 West Located mostly in the Southern Hemisphere. Neighboring countries are Belize 250 km, Guatemala 962 km, US 3,141 km. Mexico. has the bodies of water around it as well such as the Gulf of Mexico to its West side and the Pacific ocean to its south side.
Area: Total 1,964,375 square kilometers

Area Comparative: Mexico total area is 1,964,375 sq km compared the United States area which is 9,826,675 sq km.
Land boundaries: Total 4,353 km
Climate: Varies from tropical to desert
Terrian: High, rugged mountains; low coastal plains; high plateaus; deserts
Natural resources: Petroleum, silver, copper, gold, lead, zinc, natural gas, timber
Enviorment-Current Issues: scarcity of hazardous waste disposal facilitiesmeans that Mexico is a very dirty place. Rural to urban migration; natural fresh water resources scarce and polluted in north, inaccessible and poor quality in center and extreme southeast; raw sewage and industrial effluents polluting rivers in urban areas; deforestation; widespread erosion; desertification; deteriorating agricultural lands; serious air and water pollution in the national capital and urban centers along US-Mexico border; land subsidence in Valley of Mexico caused by groundwater depletion.
Enviorment international agreements: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol, Desertification, Endangered Species, Hazardous Wastes, Law of the Sea, Marine Dumping, Marine Life Conservation, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship Pollution, Wetlands, Whaling
Natural Disaters: Tsunamis along the Pacific coast, volcanoes and destructive earthquakes in the center and south, and hurricanes on the Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean coasts

Thursday, April 7, 2011

BP3 QTR4: Research and Interpretation-General Information

Country name: Most common name Mexico, located in North America, long name is United Mexican States.
Nationality: Noun Mexicans, Adjective Mexican.
Languages: The main language spoken in Mexico is Spanish.
Flag Descipition: The flag of Mexico Spanish: (Bandera de México) is a vertical tricolor of green, white and red with the national coat of arms symbol in the center of the white stripe
Backround info: Mexico is well known for its tacos America has been using Mexican traditions for over 75 years! Mexico invented many dances as well such as the Mamba and the Tango which are very popular dances around the world.

Monday, April 4, 2011

BP1 QTR4: United Nations

       The UN stands for United Nation. The UN took the place of the League of Nations after World War II. This was because the League of Nations had no military support behind their decisions to defeat countries that fight against them. This was one reason the UN was created. The main reason the UN was created was to bring the nations of the world to enforce peace throughout the world. Countries have to be voted into the UN by two thirds vote confirming the country is eligible for the UN. The UN also has a secretary general. These leaders each serve a five year term. They can also be voted back in again by the UN after there first term. The current secretary general is Bon Ki-moon.
       The UN is extremely important to our current world today without it the world would be in complete distress. This is why the UN took place of the league of nations after WWII. Countries all over the world would be free to do whatever they want to do. Smuggling drugs, crossing borders illegally, and even beginning wars would come without punishment to these acts. This is one reason the UN is important to our world today. Another reason is because every country follows the charter, which is a set of rules made by the UN. Also there are one-hundred ninety two countries part of the UN.
       Since WWII, the United Nations have been attempting to keep the world peaceful. Even in the world today, we still find importance from the UN. So as you can see, without the UN the world would be in distress, disorder, and we could have started a WWIII.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

BP1 QTR4: Womens Sufrage

       Speechless. After watching the movie "Iron Jawed Angels" that is what I can say about womens suffrage. What these men do to these women was even beyond my most horrific dreams.These women should be respect strongly for thier actions. Those men at the time were unable to see they damage they appled into all the lives of the women at this time. This is why I stand with want these women did and against the mens reaction to it as well.
       In the cartoon shown on the website link, this is describing the wife going to vote whole the man has to stay home and take care of the house it use to vise versa. Alice paul would have smiled and laughed solely at the man because of what she went through to get the right for women to vote. She would have been extremly happy for all women. If she would to see that cartoon in a weekly newspaper Alice would would feel relief that she finnaly deafeted everyone against her campaign for womens rights. Also it would be a good motive booster for women across the the U.S.
       In conclusion Alice Paul and her partners were literaly Iron jawed. They withstud everthing thrown at them and prevailed with scars but with victory at thier sid. This also changed mens respect for women back then greatly. Watching this movie was extrodinary and learning about these women was intresting. I'm exited to know about the sacrifice from the "Iron Lawed Angels."

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

BP4 QTR3: Presidents day

Hey! Do you know that holiday, President's Day? Yes, the one we got of school on last Monday! Well it is actually one president's birthday, and that is George Washington. But does that really matter? I think not. Why change when we can celebrate all president's in one day. And besides to most of you it is just another day off of school.

Washington once said, "my ardent desire is, and my aim has been to comply strictly with all our engagements, foreign and domsetic; but to keep the United States from plitical connections with every other country." In other words, he will fight every battle, but will not cooperate with other governments using politics. A bold statement, but you must cooperate with others especially when you are president.

But what was said about him was spectacular. Things such as "his example is complete and shall teach us numerous things." But if these commentors were here to see other presidents they work they would redirect those words.

So all in all, yes George Washington was born on President's Day, but all of the other presidents have a birthday as well. So it doesn't matter what we celebrate on this holiday, even if you celebrate it at all.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Q's on Children's March

       You've probably heard that there was segregation in the south a long time ago. Segregation is when white and black people disciminate each other because of skin color. Martin Luther KIng, Rosa Parks are most likely names you've heard every now and then. We'll did you know at one point kids were the main protestor agaisnt segregation. Curious then read on to learn how what and why.
       Bermingham was the worst city for segregation and voilence in the south. By the way its nickname use to be Bommingham. That's becausethere were 60 unknown bombings in the city. At this time there was still slavery and all the black kids parents worked for the white familys. All the black kids from Bermingham and the surronding cities came to be arrested! This was because martin Luther King said that we need to fill up the jails. And since the black mom and dads worked for the whites they could not sacrifice themselves. This was because if they missed a day of there work they would lose their house, car and their job.The first day of this sacrifice was known as D-Day.D-Day was announced by a rapper by the name of Playboy that all the black kids loved to listen to. Well he announced to all the kids there was going to be a "party" at the park. But the KIds Knew that meant it was the day to fill up the jails and get arrested. It got so out of hand becuase all the swarming kids, the whites brought in a tank to control the children. And the tank was solid white, the white people didnt really care. But the black people could,nt understand why someone would do or even think of that. But these kids had lots of help, even a techer called Mrs. Goree turned her back and lets the kids go to the park for D-Day during class.
       So no matter how little you are you can make a difference in everyhing you do, this is a great example of this. This kids wanted freedom so the fought through the defiance to get what the wanted and to make the world a better place to live. For everyone

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Q's on project

1. What is your final project going to be? What led you to choose this idea for your project?
My partner and I are undecided on our final project. We have thoughts that we might just type a paper. But we are extremly focused on our first projesct and using every seconed of class work time. So we really havent even brainstormed ideas for the next paroject.

2.How is the project unfolding for you?
We are doing good because our heads are buzzing with ideas about what we can do for our imovie.Right now we are in the gathering information process, but we are making tons of progress every day. We are utilizing every second we can to work. since imovie 11 can now be accesed by use we are making our project extremly creative.

3. How are you gathering the required information?
We've found alot of online resources that give us the excact information we need. Also, we are using knowledge gained before from lectures and short videos. Such as brain pop and Huber pop, but the google is our main website along with wikipedia as well.

4. What's happening that you didn't expect? In other words, how has your project changed over time?
We actually starting writing a paper first, but we couldn't gather enough knowledge and creativity to make the writing piece a success. So we have decided to make a movie and utilize our computer more. We are extremely far ahead of what we would be if we were just writing a paper.