Thursday, February 10, 2011

Q's on Children's March

       You've probably heard that there was segregation in the south a long time ago. Segregation is when white and black people disciminate each other because of skin color. Martin Luther KIng, Rosa Parks are most likely names you've heard every now and then. We'll did you know at one point kids were the main protestor agaisnt segregation. Curious then read on to learn how what and why.
       Bermingham was the worst city for segregation and voilence in the south. By the way its nickname use to be Bommingham. That's becausethere were 60 unknown bombings in the city. At this time there was still slavery and all the black kids parents worked for the white familys. All the black kids from Bermingham and the surronding cities came to be arrested! This was because martin Luther King said that we need to fill up the jails. And since the black mom and dads worked for the whites they could not sacrifice themselves. This was because if they missed a day of there work they would lose their house, car and their job.The first day of this sacrifice was known as D-Day.D-Day was announced by a rapper by the name of Playboy that all the black kids loved to listen to. Well he announced to all the kids there was going to be a "party" at the park. But the KIds Knew that meant it was the day to fill up the jails and get arrested. It got so out of hand becuase all the swarming kids, the whites brought in a tank to control the children. And the tank was solid white, the white people didnt really care. But the black people could,nt understand why someone would do or even think of that. But these kids had lots of help, even a techer called Mrs. Goree turned her back and lets the kids go to the park for D-Day during class.
       So no matter how little you are you can make a difference in everyhing you do, this is a great example of this. This kids wanted freedom so the fought through the defiance to get what the wanted and to make the world a better place to live. For everyone